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Matches Summary

Match Summary
SriGandha v/s Phoenix
League Phase : ( 2015 Edition 1 - Division 1 )
Date : 2015-04-18 , 08:30:00 Field: Hamilton Park
Umpires1 : Thunders Umpires2 : Thunders
Coin Toss Winner: Phoenix Man of the Match: Harsha Kandika
Match Overs 16 Winner Phoenix
Match Summary      
Team: SriGandha Phoenix
Runs 51 53
9 0
Overs: 16 4.3

Overall Summary

Overall Harsha was completely amazing in bowling, batting and fielding. Today Hari P also maintained the offstump line and confused the batsman.

The most amazing catch of the match was Kishore\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s where he took an IPL style amazing reflex catch. If he had the mouth open at that position, the ball would have gone through his throat. Its an amazing catch as I was next to him.

The run outs we did were also amazing. People were able to throw the ball correctly to get the batsmen run out. 

The highest score on the Srigandha team were extras 13.

Overall everyone performed well.

Thank You 
